Friday, April 2, 2010


It will take someone fanatical to connect the title. Just one of the little games I play to keep readers and myself amused. Coffeed, meditated and now blogging. A touch of melancholy in the air. I am "wasting" hours performing an activity that if I did not perform I would be that much younger and the world pretty much the same. There is also lurking around the thought that if you want to write, why don't you write a fucking book, where maybe you can make some money (ok, not a fat chance)but you've at least tapped in to the collective that stands for literature as opposed to whatever this is. But I have written books and I know that feeling, its triumphs and despair, usually which follow each other closely. What's fun about LA is that there is no formal critical apparatus for judging it. Indeed, as far as I am concerned there is no formal critical apparatus for distributing it in any significant number. You have to work at that part as hard as you work on your adjectives in a book. Here, a sloppy adjective won't cause you much harm, but a missed connection to readers can cost you thousands. So secretly, while you are all sleeping or eating cheesecake or whatever you do in real life, I am asking my younger, smarter friends how to maximize the distribution power of what I have wrought. My efforts so far have been feeble but I have received enough encouragement to seek out more. The blogging and the distribution of the blog are tied at the hip. My starting to blog without knowing how I was going to reach people was stupid but I had to start somewhere. Now, however, at least when I find means of spreading it there will be something to spread. Does the spreading result in any change in editorial context? You bet it does, just as stories are for story readers, novels for novel readers etc.
Are you (me) personally a blog reader? Are you out of your mind? Why would I waste my time reading shit like this when there are so many real books I have yet to read. But it is from the writing of the blog that I am gaining my benefit, learning a new (pardon the expression) art form, one that I believe will be so uqbiquitous in five years that the wold will be divided into those who can and those who can't. The world is already divided into those who can and those who can't. I fear I am drifting from my subject onto a screed about electronic media. Hopefully this is the last you will hear of it. It should be obvious to any reader that LA is not a terribly sophisticated instrument to be distributed on a sophisiticated instrument. Which, of course, is it's great virtue. You don't read LA. You read the instrument.

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