Sunday, January 31, 2010

It seems to me that the urge to blog can be secondary only to the urge to procreate, I am so juiced. I actually had two potential topics in mind: choclolate, as per the aphorism and loneliness. The loneliness of the long distance blogger. I have had issues with loneliness of late (strike that/reality intrusion). With my shrink's help I wrote a little card for myself which I am to look at when the loneliness becomes intolerable. The first entry is "This is not the end of the world." It was that entry that inspired me to attempt my first ever double blog in a day. I have no idea if such activity is even permitted by the International Blogging Association. Is there such an organization. Are there records for world's fastest blogger; world's most read; world's dumbest; world's most meaningless-- the one record I might have a shot at. But I am going to make a radical postulation that blogging, in time, will be found to be as effective a cure for loneliness and depression as ssri's, which I can't take because they make me want to peel the paint off every ceiling I meet. It doesn't matter whether you really have readers or not. You do in your imagination. You have contact with humanity. So what if it's yourself and the google guy. Lonely people can't be fussy and most intimate relationships fall apart in time anyway. This one may go on forever

When I was much younger I wrote a book called book ((I have a feeling I may be repeating myself but am technologically unable to check). It was 500 pages long and it was about writing a 500 page book. I remember one page where in anger I accosted the reader: "Read that! Now read this!" Does Literal Ally stem from the same impulse-- to write interestingly about nothing. The author who has written five or six books and knows well how hard it is does have the credentials to write a creditable book. I mean something better than toilet paper. Real publishers have published my books. But not book. It sits in a carton. There is no way I will read it. I know it would be an embarrasment. Do I destroy it or leave it to my children who also will not read it. I remember the same impulse and excitement when I wrote that, but I was under the illusion that it was a stroke of genius as opposed to a stroke of misfortune. That was probably 30 years ago and one would think I would have learned something in the intervening three decades to prevent my ploughing over that fallow earth again. But no, along comes this new technology and there I go again.

I am wondering what would have happened if my first entry had not been wiped out by my failure to push the correct button, It had real details about my early publishing career- my first job imparticular, writing for detective magazines. I might have been up to the marketing of paperback books by now. Meanings upon meanings. You might have known all about my genius in the field. And I would have been bored shitless. Leteral Ally has no rules so content is not forbidden. It is just sidestepped whenever possible. Do I feel more or less lonely now than when I started writing this entry. Hard to say, but my fingers sure feel peppier. I think I will opt for the positive option because number 2 on my list is "You have been here before and gotten out."
So I will get out knowing that I have communicated something to someone even if it's really just myself. If a quantum wave dances in the woods and there are no trees around would a fox know the difference?SENTENCE FROM THE FUTURE

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