Tuesday, January 26, 2010

umble beginnings

This is my second try at my first post. The first which got eaten by the computer was better and did not contain my rage at my electronic incompetence. It told, in beautiful prose, of my beginnings in publishing working for a couple of detective magazines, but now I am so pissed off because I know this whole blogging thing is going to go south because of my inability to deal with technology. I was planning to start every entry with an aphorism. The first one, which I am too frightened to move because it will probably knock me onto somebody's Twitter was PRONOUNS ARE THE KEY TO ANONYMITY, which quite frankly, is probably all you are going to get from this entry if you get anything because I am now going to try to post it and if it disappears again, my blogging days are over. But if it appears, I will have my daughter send me a photograph of me which will make it all worth it so you can picture me here typing and pissed. This will get better, I promise. I will not say what I am going to do if it disappears because it will not be relevant, your not having seen it. Okay. medium, here's your chance.

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