No corrections of old posts today as I am doing this one p.m. as opposed to the usual a.m. and don't have the patience, a piece of information which will no doubt change your life. The writing a blog about writing a blog with no content is a fraud. It is full of content. It is full of me. It is full of my faux attempts at withholding while I reveal myself in all my splendor. It is because of an atrophying brain which is capable of only limited narrative at this point and must use that at work or I will be utterly useless as opposed to occasionally useful. A good sentence is a good sentence whether it means anything or not. A good sentence that means nothing is better than a good sentence that means something since it has so much less to work with and leaves the narrator with so much more to do. This requires and example: Good sentence that means something: The dog finished his dinner. Good sentence that means nothing: The dog finished the letter, put a stamp on it, walked to the nearest mailbox and posted it.
What does this have to do with blogs? That was a good question that means something. What does this have to do with kumquats. That was a good question that means not very much. In that case what is a bad question. A bad question is why did the yellow bird shower his lemon jello all over the steaming asphalt? Try answering the meaningful questions, the good ones and the bad ones, then figure out what it all has to do with blogs. When you know, comment me.
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