Friday, February 19, 2010


The fact that I appear to have three followers, one of which is me, ought to be depressing me, but it encourages me. The little fingers keep typing away at nothing, oblivious to the numbers of eyeballs that follow them. They actually find a cozy security in keeping it an intimate family. The two followers I have are obviously people who know me. I don't think they are my actual family but they are people who are willing to accept the insane enterprise and go along for the ride. So LA becomes a sort of coffee table over which two friends speak although only one of them gets to do the talking. He is talking about the shape of the coffee table, the cups, the fact that there are a few crumbs of croissant off the plate, lumps in the sugar, but will never talk about anything that is off the table. I am editing a book on the multiverse and I just thought of one universe that is missing: the coffee table universe. Think hard about it. What in your life would you miss that could not be placed on a coffee table. Your car? Your house? Your mate could stand on the table so you wouldn't have to miss him and her. As for the house and car they are just a house and car. Your ipod could make it to the table as could your computer and phone so you have contact with the outside world. My piano would not make it but I could use it as an excuse to learn to play the flute. I could hardly play it any worse than I play the piano. We live in a big world that likes to talk about small things and, especially with the advent of electronic media, make them big, in number of participants, in impact, in ego satisfaction for the perpetrator. LA keeps me humble. Were I ever to reach a number like 10 readers, it would make me enormously self-conscious and I would start feeling obliged to do parlor tricks to make sure everyone is entertained. And then if the number went back down to two I would feel like a failure. No let's just keep it at 3 (including me). I like this space. More cream, please.THE WHOLE DEAL ABOUT THE COFFEE TABLE UNIVERSE MAKES NOT A BIT OF SENSE TO ME BUT THE LABOR INVOLVED IN EXCISING IT DOES AND I DON'T WANT TO DO IT. CAN YOU CUT ME SOME SLACK ON THAT ONE.

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