Saturday, February 20, 2010


I am up obscenely early this morning, not, alas, because of anticipation of writing. The details are too personal. But I am a morning person so once I am up I can have my coffee, meditate, skip to the computer and here we are. On a morning when I am tired, the effort seems more futile than usual (everything seems more futile than usual). But in the course of the life of LA, you are going to get to experience me in all my moods, perhaps even happy, which comes when the moon is in the proper orb and it is the year of a particular Chinese insect. Writing this does make me sort of happy because I am doing what I set out to do (which always makes me somewhat happy-- I have power over my environment) and also because on some level I must believe it is worth doing. The stranger the project becomes, and I suppose with each day's extension it becomes a bit stranger,(GOD, I HOPE IT'S STRANGE. IF NOT, WHAT'S THE POINT) the more essential it becomes to me to maintain its strangeness. One time many years ago a friend said to me, "Everybody's Weird." The problem is that too many of us do not access that inner weirdness and instead settle for society's notion of what proper weirdness is. True weirdness has an offensive edge not to mention insane corners. "Why would anybody do this?" "It's completely idiotic and worthless," are the kinds of words I long to hear about LA. It's a sort of coming out party for nuttiness. Now there's a word. What the world needs now is not really love, it's nuttiness. It's each individual accessing his inner nut and voicing it loud and clear. The chorus of voices may end up being a kind of church choir and give us harmonies that Bach (anyone who writes like that has to be nuts) would envy. There are nutty nuts and talented nuts but it usually takes a generation or two before people can really tell the difference. So meanwhile, just let that "you can't believe how weird I am" feling shine and believe in your inner nut. I MEAN LOOK AT THE FUCKING WORLD!

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