Monday, February 15, 2010


We enter, undeterred that the writer's perpetually blank mind is even blanker than usual, save for some uncommunicable surface tension not really connected to WLAL-- more just low level existential angst that seems to follow me day in day out and results in my having to resort to things like this to keep myself from going over the sides of my speedboat. It is the day after Valentine's Day, which seems to have taken on the proportions of Christmas this year. WLAL thinks people really do need and want love but is skeptical that the stuff with roses is representative of anything but a florist's wet dream. WLAL was not sure he had ever experienced true love, save that for his children, which is so obvious it hardly deserves the name. But the departure of a domestic partner taught the blogger that love is defined by its absence. Falling in love is not nearly as positive an experience as losing a love is negative-- even when it was only when the person left left that you realized that the hole in your life was love. Getting rather seriousAND PERSONAL for us. Some inane humor probably called for here. But WLAL will never do what is called for or expected since it does not know WHAT THAT IS. THE POINT IS we are feeling a bit melancholy today (VALENTINES?)and if that spills into a subjectless blog well you can just demand your fucking money back. THIS SPILLS DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO A PERSONAL MEMOIR BLOGG MUST HAVE BEEN HAVING A HARD DAY. HOPEFULLY HAPPY DAYS WILL BE RETURNING. QUESTION; AM I PERMITTED TO DELETE AND ENTIRE ENTRY IF I DON'T LIKE IT? ANSWER: YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU DAMN WELL FUCKING PLEASE. I'S YOUR BLOG. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND VIRTUALLY NO ONE IS READING IT ANYWAY (BUT YOU'RE STILL A HECK OF A NICE GUY AND I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH).

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