Wednesday, February 24, 2010


e The slate is blank-- blanker than usual, the equivalent of a foot of fresh powder on a ski run. When the slate is blank anything can happen, which means that nothing much will probably happen which means we have achieved our goal. I blog after I meditate. Theoretically my mind is calm and perhaps (if I am doing it properly, the meditating that is), that is one explanation why I try to keep the content content free and reflect it back at the reader to give him a sort of meditation contact high. But meditiation, it is perhaps not commonly known, requires intense concentration. I cannot meditate when I am tired. The effort of not thinking is too great. I don't do a very good job at LA when I am tired either. I tend to waffle into silly content because it takes so much effort to maintain one's position at the black heart at the center of this enterprise.MAYBE HAVING A WAFFLE WOULD HELP What good does it do a reader if the writer is trying to be mindless. Perhaps none, perhaps much. The none side can be dispensed of with "what a jerk." The much side should extend to other things the reader reads and make her ask herself the question "how relevant is this to my life?" to everything one reads. Amusement can be relevant. Perhaps even suspense can be relevant if one is a depressive. But to ask the question is key. There are so many words. There are so many sentences that appear to be relevant but are bullshit. There are so many places to find them. It is virtually impossible to walk in the street for more than a minute without encountering a sentence. Why is there so much information when our lives are basically composed of simple biological needs? Does this have anything to do with evolutionary psychology? I do not want to know. Do these sentences keep us from thinking about our ultimate demise which is coming even though we are so fuckin smart? Are writers just flinging their egos around out of sheer exhuberance? Are companies selling us too many products or the wrong products? What would the right products be and would we appreciate them? Think about these things the next time you encounter a sentence. Ask what the effect of this sentence is likely to be on your life. Then come back to LA and we shall continue our journey into the blank at the heart of things. In sentences.

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