Sunday, April 18, 2010


Good morning, class. Has everyone removed and hung up their jackets, pencils sharpened, bathroom trips taken. Before I smother you with the news that my mind is a total blank (as it should be, I think), I want to tell you that I am considering changing the name of BLOGG TO BLOGGG. That may be the last significant piece of information you receive on this post. The reason is simple and idiotic. I want my slice of uniqueness. I intuit that many fools who are writing sort of blog (I do not flatter myself with its originality) may be calling it BLOGG but fewer would be perverse enough to call it BLOGGG or even BLOGGGG, though that may be getting excessive. If we were entering all these names on one of those things that say "medium security strength," do we think that BLOGGGG would be significantly safer than BLOGG? Safer than what? It's not like someone is going to steal my fucking Visa card off this. This tangential beginning to the post (and here I must return to the blankness of mind I alluded to)is probably a lame attempt to clickety clack until something, anything comes along that I can attach to the mainland and doesn't look too strained. It could be something like the fact that there are times when I have nothing to say and I get really depressed about it and there are other times when I have nothing to say and I either couldn't care less (I can always edit it out) or feel that those moments are truer to the spirit of BLOGGG than the happier ones. For there is, after all, no hiding the fact that the premise was made clear in sentence one and the further we get from it the further we get from out goal, which is do exactly as I am doing now. I do feel an obligation (long childhood explanation, much too personal) to be as amusing as I possibly can be, hopefully intentionally but I'm not too proud to take the other kind as well and sometimes get sort of confused where my amusement is coming from. I was talkng about my efforts to be amusing while I wasted our time and the reasons, deep in my childhood for doing it. There are no reasons deep in my childhood any more than my nose is a reason deep in my childhood. Bloggg goes from fingertips to keyboard with no intermediaries like brain or heart so I am attempting to be amusing because I am attempting to be amusing. Actually, thinking about it now, if I were deliberately attempting NOT to be amusing, the result would probably be a lot funnier-- or just more boring. I'm not sure which, but I may give it a whirl at some desperate moment in the future. I could end this post with a summary if I had the vaguest idea of what it was trying to say. But I will say,as I have said before (and my track record is pretty good, if I say so myself) that better times are coming. Truly amusing times. Hilarious times. Profound times. And perhaps, if there are more nuts out there than I realized, more ggg's.

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