Thursday, April 15, 2010


IN AN AREA WHERE EVERYTHING SEEMS TO HAVE BEN EDITED THIS POST STANDS VIRGINAL. I DO NOT QUESTION WHY NOR SHOULD YOU. No new revelations in the hour before setting fingers to keypad. We is wingin' it, children.Let's see if we can stay off-topic without planning. Actually, there was one subject that I thought about briefly yesterday and for just a smidgeon today and that was the question of audience. I was bemoaning the fact that only three or four people seemed to be consistently following this masterpiece, one of them quite possibly me. My friend gave me all kinds of tips how by doing certain things, joining this, responding to that, I could probably increase my readership considerably. I thought about this for a while and re-translated it into his saying that the blog is a social form of writing and therefore one had to play the game socially. This as opposed to normal writing where you can mark your genius in a notebook, put it in a closet and forget about it except on Christmas eve when you can show it to a drunk Aunt Millie after the duck. Computers, at least at present, are too expensive to store in closets, for while you blog you can do other things with them like reading and writing email, printing out wedding invitations and whatever else your ingenuity can come up with LIKE PELING COCONUTS. So the blog stays on the desk and, at least at present, blogg remains with its limited readership. With great effort I could probably do some of the things that my friend suggested, which boil down to a sort of electronic, "You show me yours, I'll show you mine." But being as illiterate as I am, I feel guilty spending time reading the good or bad work of others simply to get them to read mine. I am nearly Faulkner-illiterate. How can I be illiterate in Faulkner but an expert in Stacy from Kansas City? There is no free lunch. This should have been apparent to me when I began, but it wasn't and if it was, I might never have begun.AND THE WORLD WOULD BE A VERY DIFERENT PLACE. So I have accepted the fact that barring unforseen miracles,blogg is likely to maintain its minute readership. The good thing about this is that when you are not writing for an audience but simply writing for yourself and the subject, you are less likely to slip into entertainment ASSUMING YOU ARE CAPABLE OF IT. Author can do this reasonably well USING A SCALE THAT MEASURES THE SILIA OF AMOEBAS but has done this reasonably well. Author has never blogged, has no idea what the limitations of the medium are, ultimately what gets them read. So author will just continue writing away and let the audience end take care of itself until at some point technology surpasses our expectations, which could happen at any time.AND THEN THE WHLE WORLD READS THIS AND PROCLAIMS YOU KING. The fact that there is not a large audience reading our anti-blog does not feel wrong. This is a modest venture which should be written humbly and read sporadically. So let's just say we are on track, even though we still have no idea where that track is heading. Perhaps thataway.THE REPETITION OF UNORIGINAL THOUGHT IS TRULY STAGERING.

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