Monday, March 1, 2010


E Absolutely nothing special today, which is pretty special BY our standards. LA has no particular feelings about its mandate today. It is content to just be and let the devil take its foreleg. LA is the rorsach of blogs. It is what you see. What do I see? I see something large and slimey with big teeth. I see myself being seen. I see myself not being seen. I see myself trying to be seen. I see myself trying not to be seen. I see governments toppling because THAT IS WHAT THEY DO EVENTUALLY. Is the concept of government outdated. Will government go viral. What does viral mean and why is everyone in every two-bit bar using the term to describe anything? "Yeah, it was a good plan but then someone got hold of it and it went viral." LA can never go viral. It is the cure for viruses. It occupies the space between their little antennae that allows them to reproduce so quickly. They also have awesome libidos. LA has an awesome libido too but mericifully the author is able to hold it in check or it could mean the end of what civilization we have left. Government by libido. Is not government ultimately a way to hold our libidos in check by occupying us with IMPORTANT SEEMING STUPID THINGS, SORT OF LIKE BLOGG. What does any of this have to do with LA. It doesn't directly but everything does indirectly. Left unchecked LA would destroy every other blog in the blogosphere but fortunately only two other people seem to know of its existence so the internet is safe for now. What would happen if all those other blogs disappearedand only blogg were left? Absolutely nothing. People would take more time sipping their cappucinos. Perhaps they would hum more as well. Humming is a vastly underrated activity. LA is the hum of blogs. You think you catch a melody then it gets subsumed by a bunch of mmmmmmm's. What song was that? Gotcha. Are we a bit hasty today? I never know if I'm long or short since I don't read this shit but as a general rule (one of our greatest leaders) short is always better than long. Bye.A TYPICAL ENTRY COMPRISED MOSTLY OF SOPHOMORIC SHIT WITH AN OCCASIONAL THREAD OF A POINT. IT TAKES US NEITHER FORWARD NOR BACKWARD. IT DOES NOT ENCOURAGE THE AUTHOR IN HIS QUEST TO REVOLUTIONIZE LITERATURE BUT IT'S NOT BAD ENOUGH TO WISH FOR BEHEADING.

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