Saturday, March 27, 2010


USUAL COMMENT ABOUT NOT KNOWING WHERE I AM OR WHAT I AM DOING. Decided tocay that I would go back to the beginning and edit the posts-- both to check out grammatical and spelling sloppiness, also to see how far I could get before I started going crazy, also seeing if it had any effect at all-- there's been so much wind-up in LA about how earth-shattering it is. It has probably been done thousands of times.NO, JUST THIS ONCE. CIVILIZATION COULDN'T STAND IT. I want to read it (and I promise the reading will have no effect on whether I continue or not-- that is is separate issue) to see if it can be read, to see what I remember, how many times I repeat myself, if it's stupid enough, if it's honest enough, if it's enough. I plan to mark each edited post EDITED but there have been few times in my life that I have stuck to a plan that simple.I THINK YOU HAVE NOW INTRODUCED THIS SIMPLE IDIOTIC CONCEPT MILLIONS OF TIMES AND WE CAN SEE THAT IT IS TRIVIAL AND MAKES VERY LITTLE DIFFERENCE It will probably end up a sort of alternate LA about editing LA and the whole process of editing.OR HOW TO COOK PASTA AL DENTE But at this moment my heart is full of hope that it many not be as moronic as I think it is TIME FOR THE WHITE COATS?and that this act of editing will both improve the content and influence for me to continue. HE MEANS TO EABLE HIM TO CONTINUE. May the force be with me.ME FROM THE FUTURE SAYS THE EDITING IS NOT REALLY DOING ANYTHING.....YET. HE FEELS A STRANGE AFFINITY WITH BATTLESTAR GALLACTICA. WHY ARE THERE NOW TWO REFERENCES TO BATTLESTAR GALLACTIC? WHY IS HE TALKING TO HIMSELF IN THE KIND OF TONE OF VOICE AS IF HE EXPECTED TO MEET JESUS? AND WHY CAN'T HE REMEMBER WHAT HE SAYS FOR MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES. BY THE WAY, THE EDITOR IS A REALLY NICE GUY.

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